The description of the Video Project is to create a 1-3 minute video that incorporates original content and follows all copyright laws. Our goals for the project was to make a humorous video with a plot, while remaining in the time frame. At first I didn’t know what to do. I was thinking what am I good at that I could record, until one day at lunch I thought what if I could do a news segment. I was liking the idea and thought that I needed a partner. Egypt was right next to me and I told her about my idea and she was all for it. We went to Ms.Hertz and asked her if we could work together for the project and I told her my idea. We were approved and started working right away because we were behind the rest of the class. We made the script that class period, then recorded the next class. A success that I had was having the idea for news segments. The failure I had was I had the idea so late that a lot of the videos were rushed. I learned through the completion of this project how to edit a video correctly. I haven’t used WeVideo in almost two years and it has improved a lot. I am able to add sounds, change the color and add more words. I learned to think outside of the box because the Video Project never mentioned that you needed to work by yourself.
I learned that making news segments were something I actually enjoyed and may take up as a class in the future. I learned about myself that I enjoy making news segments. I also enjoyed making it humorous for the audience. If I were to do the project differently I would have came up with the idea of the news casters earlier so I would have more time make the video and edit it. To conclude,a tip or hint that I would give is I would really think outside of the box for this project if you don’t know what to record. This project inspired me to take more interest in news casting. I really enjoyed acting out that position. The tools I used was WeVideo and this tool did not hinder us from editing the project. I was able to add sound like clapping and news intros. I could add word and picture to the video as well .If anything it improved the editing and helped the video look better. The video without the editing would look bad.